Our scholarships are a financial aid for those who present a need at the time of applying to our New York Teen and Professional programs. They are provided by the GO Broadway team.


If you have any doubts or questions about our programs, please send us an email to



The scholarships consist of a discount of up to USD 2000 on the total price of the program*.
It is important to note that the scholarships do not cover the following: transportation, meals and medical insurance.

Please note that full scholarships are not awarded.

* GO Broadway does not issue refunds under any circumstances, including, but not limited to, weather, health, terrorist attacks, pandemics, epidemics, travel problems, visas or any act of God. Because all of our workshops are customized to the students who are enrolled, once a reservation is confirmed, a cancellation is not possible.


 ✈︎ Valid passport

 ✈︎ Complete immunization schedule

 ✈︎ tourist VISA for entry to the USA.

 ✈︎ Basic English language skills


This year we decided to expand the auditions to three disciplines so that everyone can show their best version.

The areas are singing, dancing and acting.

You must choose one of the three and record the audition according to the guidelines described below.


Camera and Framing:


- Fix the camera on a stand, tripod or table to ensure stability.
- For the introduction, use a full body shot, from head to toe.
- For the performance of the song, you can opt for a Medium Shot (up to the waist) or an American Shot (up to the knees).
- The video should be in horizontal format.
- Make sure you have good lighting, proper focus and clear sound, without background noise affecting the audio quality.
- Try to make the background as neutral as possible, eliminating distracting objects.



- Give a brief introduction in a clear and precise voice.

- Mention your full name, age, city and country of residence, as well as the program you are auditioning for.

Video Quality


- The recording does not need to be professional but you should strive for the best possible video quality.

- Avoid using character costumes and limit the use of props and choreography that are not strictly necessary.

- Subsequent editing of both audio and video is not permitted. The recording must be as faithful as possible to an in-person audition.

Singing Area:

- Prepare a musical theater song, either classical or contemporary, in Spanish or preferably in English.
- Before starting to sing, mention the name of the song and its composer, followed by a short pause.
- Perform a song with a 16 to 32 bar section, using an instrumental track or accompaniment. Avoid singing a cappella or over other singers' recordings.
- If you have prepared, you may move, dance and perform along with the song, although this is not a mandatory requirement for the scholarship application.
- Choose a song that demonstrates your vocal and performance skills, as both vocal technique and performance during the song will be evaluated.

Dance Area:


- The video should include a 60 to 90 second excerpt of the chosen choreography, preferably from musical theater.
- Optionally, you may include excerpts from performances in traditional ballet and/or contemporary dance if you are performing a solo role, in a separate link.
- Make sure the candidate is visible on the screen at all times.
- The camera should be placed at a distance that allows you to observe the applicant's entire body.

Area of Activity:


- Before you start performing, mention the name of the play and its author.
- The video should include a monologue up to 3 minutes long.


- Audition material will be received only through our online form.

- The deadline to submit your audition is Saturday, August 10. 

- The decision in all cases is final and will be at the discretion of the examining panel in conjunction with the GO Broadway management team.


Do you want more information?


We invite you to our informative meeting where we will explain in detail our programs and benefits.



Do I need previous experience?

Our philosophy is to meet students where they are and work individually on each student's strengths and weaknesses. work individually on the strengths and weaknesses of each interpreter. strengths and weaknesses of each interpreter. We do not require previous experience. Most of our classes are divided are divided into levels, except for master classes.

Do I have to speak perfect English?

We do not administer any English exams, but we recommend that you speak basic English, as we do not provide translators. speak basic English, as we do not provide translators, but our teachers make sure you speak slowly and use our teachers make sure to speak slowly and use simple language when/if needed language when/if necessary so that you can get the most out of each class. the most out of each class.

Do you offer scholarships?

We offer scholarships for our New York Professional and New York Teen programs through auditions held in several cities. Teen through auditions held in several Latin American cities and/or online Latin American cities and/or online. We offer discounts to groups of more than 4 participants.

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